Continuing on SQL. How to use schema.sql and seeding DBs. Tonight we get into the topic I have never grasped: joins.
Update: this rocked me.
Continuing on SQL. How to use schema.sql and seeding DBs. Tonight we get into the topic I have never grasped: joins.
Update: this rocked me.
Express seemed easy–too easy. We’re adding gradually onto our skillsets by using each skill with the others. Tonight we went in to SQL, of which I had some knowledge. But it’s great to put it all together. I can imagine the usefulness here.
Last night I built my first middleware. Still some distance to go tonight.
Express! Our first full-stack work! It came together from my work with servers/VMs and my client side coding.
I am still working on a challenge this week for node.js. It’s been a tidal wave of things to catch up on.
OOP day 2: we focused on test-driven development last night. Not following this new content and have a tutor lined up for tomorrow.
Spent a lot of time over the weekend on working a new services page for the site. Should probably not have done that 8^)
OOP! Polymorwhat? Some stuff that I knew–but never all together. This class was a little less interpersonal. Previous study groups said something, anything.
Some people in the main chat are lost as I am on certain things. Just soaking it in.
OK, now am I officially behind. And this is with basic node.js. The instructor is showing his Google expertise. Today will be spent doing my own research. I even missed my morning prayer group because of an alarm issue. I know I’m not alone in some confusion, but definitely in the minority.
Node is good addition to my skillset. Javascript on the server. Along with React, these are my most important additions.
We actually scored in the 90s for the first project, so I’m happy. I felt my performance was subpar, but the TA commended us.
The camp is now 1/3 complete and I feel like a new man!
Finally turned in the two-week project. I need to be more prepared for the presentations. I also realized that presentation is everything, no matter how much work you put in.
We start on Node.js tonight!