Being in bed with capitalists

I recently saw this piece on the CCP’s approval for Musk. Transhumanism aside, Musk also favors Beijing. His sometime conservative supporters, at the Babylon Bee, for instance, like to present him as a free speech advocate. Fine. But his hypocrisy is rank.

The tech industry has a history with ignoring China’s human rights abuses while getting their products or components made in China. “Team Humanity”? Complexity of the issue?

Money talks, values walk.


Saw Deadpool and Wolverine this weekend. I was hoping for more of a tie-in with the old movies, but it was really a cursing and violence bonanza. A young employee said it was his favorite movie.

So yet again, I feel old.

A lot of friends have children. Today I also learned that a friend of mine in his 50s is getting married. I quipped, “there is a God.”

I had a young man I met at church last year sometime who said incredulously, “you still want to have a relationship?” Youth is wasted on the young.

Where does resignation to your age begin?