Keep scripture in textual view. It does not reflect a scientific worldview. It cannot. The bronze age viewpoint of the Old Testament centered on a localized perspective, one where the sky held back an ocean, the rain poured from cerulean windows, and pillars held up the Earth and sky. Mesopotamia was their world world. A flood destroyed that reality.
Science says the universe is 14 billion years old, that evolution led the species forward, that progress is understanding this. Black holes, quasars, billions of galaxies, each with billions of stars. Science need not be the enemy and no strange interpretations of the scripture need to be made.
But there is a reason to read “The Word.” It sustains through instruction and edification. The Greats help us see; Philips on the road. Edifying pastors and Christian literature. Bible translators helping the foreigner and illiterate.
The ancient Israelites do have much to teach us. Prager’s OT commentaries and Jordan Peterson’s and Hillsdale’s seminars and classes will help us understand the wisdom sent down to us.