What is the hyberbole about right and left? Pt. I

I am struck that left and right each say that the other’s candidate is autocratic. First, these are not only policies, but they are claims against the other side:

Orange Man

He attempted to change election results.
His compatriots, like Giuliani, are complicit in the Georgia and other election tampering.
He uses inflammatory language and name-calling.
He could suspend habeas corpus and enact martial law.
He stoked radical right actors.
His family is a crime family.
He’s a fascist.
His behavior is excused because “the other side is worse.”
His supporters will support almost anyone opposed to progressives.
A candidate, politician, or activist who convinces the masses to do his will is can be dangerous.

The Left

They’re anti-American.
They’re anti-liberal (free speech, religion, association).
They’ve used social media to collaborate with federal agencies.
They’re used federal law enforcement agencies and the IRS against peaceful, religious citizens.
They’ve stoked lawlessness and organized theft.
They’re stoked violent riots and disrespect for police, parents, and authority.
They’ve supported anti-Jewish, terrorist-supporting protestors.
The behavior of those on the left is excused because “the other side is worse.”
The Biden family is a crime family.

Does it come down to who is more likely to do one thing over the other? Does it come down to who is more radical?
What is more concerning, the possible degree of radicalism in a left-wing or in a right-wing administration?

On the right, a portion of the fear and loathing is eschatological — and I mean literally religious eschatological. On the left, the fear and loathing is that the right will take away their rights.

But I admit I am on the right most of the time. Right now, while there must be prosecution for those who stormed the Capitol, I am also concerned about Trump supporters being given extremely long sentences, not even being given a court date for over two years, and horrible prison conditions while left-wing activists can enter the Capitol without impunity.

I don’t know if the left truly feel that Orange Man is a possible tyrant or that this opinion is alarmist.

Am I supposed to ignore the fact that Trump is most likely a felon?
Am I supposed to ignore the fact that he may be dragging down the GOP?
Am I supposed to ignore the chaos following him?

Am I supposed to ignore the heavy-handed, unmerciful prosecution of right-wing activists by the left?
Am I supposed to ignore that the left has killed liberalism?
Am I supposed to ignore the chaos following them?

So I am concerned about Orange Man but also hair-on-fire, left-wing crazies. But both have over-the-top excoriation of the other.

These are tough questions if we look at it honestly without partisanship. The more we abstract, the clearer we can get a view, I think. Maybe this is a tougher issue to keep non-partisan.

I am still pondering questions to consider, so I probably will extrapolate in the next post. I will say that I hope that Trump is brought to trail before the election.

In all this, as I mentioned, my friend keeps me grounded.

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