Olympic Medals for Tyrants

The Olympics are, of course, a time for international brotherhood and friendly competition. But one country is brutally persecuting its minorities–and carrying it on without penalty for its crimes. China is a completely different entity inside the country than it is in outside appearance.

Lest we forget, the CCP has actively persecuted Uighurs since the 1950s, through the 1990s, and especially after 9/11 in the name of fighting terrorism. For over the last 25 years the party has also been targeting Falun Gong practitioners. This harrowing story reveals what the CCP has perpetrated on these minority populations (the article above also lists a number of articles about these horrors). These populations have undergone live organ transplants (like removing corneas and tossing sometimes-living bodies in incinerators), forced abortion, forced labor and internship, cultural suppression, mass surveillance, brainwashing, and other human rights violations. Whistleblowers have risked their lives to reveal these crimes.

The world has been banning Russia from the Olympics. It’s time it bans China, too.

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