Internet Bill of Rights

We need a change of business. The worst types are brought out in what we call dialogue on the internet. Not only is free speech restricted by those who hold the keys to SM, it is also promotional of content that draws the most likes and follows. Unfortunately, popularity promotes the most controversial, the most provocative. The merit of a post is that it draws likes.

The erudite and the interesting are drowned.

An internet bill of rights should promote good content and less clickbait.

It sounds like something that a censor would promote. How can good content be promoted other than by a Google-like algorithm? Google operates by popularity and quality of links to your page. What if Google promoted less popular content that was sharp? Is there a way to promote new good quality content?

Riches of Heaven

They do not impress the secular man. Life lived is without that kind of worry.

The average man being unconcerned about such things. Golden streets? I need it right now, he says. Wipe away tears? Wipe them away now.

I was partaker of a conversation regarding television shows like Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. The companion near me asked, why can’t we give the money for that one house to a number of people instead?

I had one of the moments when a truth was said.

I don’t have an answer to that. At the time, my ex said my companion did not understand. She was a non-profit fundraiser.

Was the purpose of the show was to create a culture of goodness? Was it to sell the TV commercial products? That second one seemed more obvious.

One certainty is that many recipients of the makeover cannot keep the house after the giveaway.

Why would something that did not succeed in the long run be funded?

There is much waste of resources and human power in the business of television and movies. The making of money being the answer.


On my trip to Rome, I encountered ruins that offer escape. Back to the emanations of strength and high culture deteriorating. Marble remembrances, rocks you never thought could die. How did things so majestic become dust?

How did centuries pass so quickly, yet rock rot?

The great Colosseum, its floors and walls dead.

There is no memory of its builders. Those men who designed it are not even in history.

The things we hold great become dust. The positions we value, the accomplishments, beneficent action. Laurels are made of fragile leaves.


While SM cannot be the purveyor of truth, the current model is broken (Zuckerberg). Experts determine governance, politics, civic architecture, histories, and science. They have their laurels.

But the pace of change is a bounding lion. Technology may be the easy part; the governance is not. Government can remove barriers to change; it created these booms after all. Innovation is just waiting at the door.

Changing things for the sake of fundamental change, the next wave has not been about who changes. But, these things were decided by experts who are malevolent and belong to darkness. They appear as doves.

We’re here. What should we value? Change has economic and IRL results.

Dear Patience

I was reminded of Siouxie Sioux’s Dear Prudence. But I redirect to patience.

Have patience with vile thought, envy, greed, arrogance–all those negative things afflict us. We cannot help ourselves. We are prisoners of this body, wretches? In all fairness, have patience with us.

The rainwater pours down. Drip by drip, it started. Now a torrent. Have patience. Ourselves to friends to family to our small group to our nation to our world. Send us flowers and rivers. Surrounding and refreshing.


Evaluating oneself continually is not promoting health. I have to refer this back to the scripture “do not depend on your own understanding.” For me, this came into my spirit as to self-reflection. “The over-examined life is not worth living.”

I’ve found that there is great wisdom in this text. Trying to determine why I feel a certain way or going back in personal memory to repeatedly ask for forgiveness does not promote tranquility of mind.

At this point, I will refer to medicine, but also “mindfulness” may be helpful here. I never looked at that as a serious practice; just some hokum.

Going Beyond Old Stories

Is it possible to create fiction without touching on Jung’s or Campbell’s types?

Trying to break the stereotype should not be the goal. Story is challenging because you are making new spins on old stories.

For the longest time I thought being unique and new would help in writing stories. J.K. Rowling borrows from a lot of classical and British forms. Yet she is one of the most successful writers on the planet. Even science fiction borrows from forms.

Along with this is another question I have: Is it possible to write great fiction without having a storytelling spirit at birth?

I think reading is just as important as writing a lot. You learn by both.

Can’t go back to visiting my professor at his book-hidden desk. Can’t rush it either.

Writing takes time. Writing takes skill that can be built.

Incompatible with flesh

The spirit is incompatible with the flesh. New wine in old wine skins.

It came upon me when I prayed that day some 30 years ago, something from above, something that could not be uttered. Its tingling sensation combined with a shiver. Voluntary versus involuntary. I had no control.

I can’t understand that feeling that fell on me, part flesh, part mind. Not graspable. Something heavenly, something strange and awesome.

The Milky Way rumbles.


My generation’s access to social media hinges on Facebook. I used to say “naw we can’t be classified.” But no. There are some things true about each generation. Mine is one already with kids and perhaps jobs, and other responsibilities. We don’t have a lot of access to contemporary music, cocktails, nights out.

FB provides an outlet for us as we cope with daily responsibilities. We speak with friends and “friends” on FB. I used to say some things that were “important,” but learned that is not in my bailiwick–as if it ever was. I have learned to be content with things I can speak about.

Illusion and Ignorance

Can’t remember exactly what I was thinking when I wrote this one down:

From illusion to understanding. From ignorance to knowledge.

These are obviously about progression.

We can live under illusion or progress to understanding. Touching a real life. From thinking we know to actually knowing is progressing as well, but knowledge is not the end; Wisdom is, the application of knowledge.

December and last month I read Proverbs, asking God to show me the wisdom everyone says Proverbs has. It is a lot of warnings about an adulterous woman. But I underlined the parts about it where man was being warned about his inclinations.

Now, I am on to the 12.

AI asking questions

Is it true that thought and consciousness will inevitably arise from the network? It seems inevitable that someone would ask this, and someone dishonest could report or make it appear that AI were thinking. Of course, the company evangelists and marketers are out there misleading.

In my opinion, the nature of AI thought does not come close to organic thought. They are completely different types of things.

But does this beg the question, can humans create an AI like organic thought, or must it be something only electrical because we cannot create a true AI modeled after humans? Our mind is a black box, we are born not knowing ourselves. Can we create something like us?

The most recent Boston Dynamics robots are scary impressive. But doesn’t this just evince that we can create something advanced, but not conscious?

Amateur thoughts, but just thinking.


Dear Prudence…

A phrase that was quoted by Twain and others is “better to be thought a fool and keep your mouth shut than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” (paraphrase)

In my personal life, this is a recent discovery 8^). I mean, I have encountered in debate with a friend, to wait and see what he says first.

I am also learning about how this relates to having proper boundaries. If you don’t keep your distance, you can end up full of emotion and lacking logic. Thinking meta.

Observing others goes hand-in-hand with respect for them as well. This leads to respective debate.