Think Fossil

In the digital age, oil, coal, and natural gas are still used and give us petrochemicals (plastics included) and other fossil-fueled wonder makers:

  • Asphalt (roads)
  • Toothpaste
  • Detergent
  • Food containers
  • Medicines and vitamins
  • Computer screens
  • Cellphones
  • Keyboards
  • Computer mouse
  • Mouse pad
  • Phone Charger
  • Car batteries
  • Shirt buttons!
  • Paint
  • Floorboards
  • Window coverings
  • Gas for delivering these products to sellers, distributors, and consumers
  • Factory machinery
  • Wind turbines and solar panels–and, ironically, power backup for those “renewables.”
  • AND Food, laundry, heating, driving

In 1950 over 60% of the world’s population was undernourished, but because of insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, and fossil-fueled farm equipment, that number was down to less than 9% in 2019.

But with what global warming we do have, wouldn’t it be easier for the hysterics to advocate using nuclear? You would think so.

What is the hyberbole about right and left? Pt. II

Giuliani has come a long way from NYC mayor and 9/11. It’s sad to see him trying to deny his actions. I do think the amount of the damages was ridiculously high; the man will go broke. But the two election workers asked for tens of millions of damages, not $148 million, as the judge ruled.

As I said previously, The Orange One is a crook. I am disgusted by his behavior and lies. On the other hand, the left one, I also hate hysteria and moral totalitarianism.

The case here is clear: crime can outweigh bad policies. I just don’t want either. The left thinks their freedoms are being taken away. I feel the right is having theirs taken by the DoJ’s institutions (FBI, CIA, courts). There is no judicial autonomy right now.

No one likes censors. No one likes crooks.

So I will go back to my post of a few months back: Trump must be prosecuted and, hopefully, declared guilty — before the election — so a real GOP candidate will be chosen.

Remembering How the Waste Started

Sometime in the 1990s, I visited the United Nations in New York City. In the then-empty Security Council meeting room, I saw the famous United Nations Security Council mural with its Italian Renaissance-like appropriation of Christian imagery. Adding a rising white Phoenix tempers the salvation message by making it relatable to universal audiences.

But this month, we remember how seventy-five years ago, after the devastation of World War II, the UN General Assembly put forward the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) for signatures by the UN’s member countries.

What is in this document? Continue reading “Remembering How the Waste Started”

From Rome to Nothing

On the outskirts, Italy is dealing with a migrant crisis not unlike ours. The glories of Rome despoiled by desperate street merchants looks to be our fate.  The Western comfort of backcountry Italy is a casualty of human needs and a slim sign of capitalist remains. The European market represents the diversity of a fragrance. The beer, the pasta, the music. The inability to cope with immensity.

Not turkey day

Just kind of venting on that un-Thanksgiving phrase. Same goes for Xmas and “happy holidays.”

I always hear about Uncle Bob coming over for Thanksgiving dinner and arguing about politics or religion. I have personally experienced relatives who just ignore those conflicts.

Praying for thanks and lifting up each other. It makes for harmony. A little light, a mountain top view. I want to be a lamp to other’s feet.

Meanwhile, since being on this keto diet I’ve been losing weight and my appetite has been nonexistent. I like it and don’t, i.e., I am not enticed by bread rolls and pies.

I’ve taken a “day off” before (Phil’s barbeque), but this will be an unsatisfying one, I think.

So I will be enjoying no arguments, but not enjoying food.

Old fashioneds for me and sis’ boyfriend.

Stay Engaged and Encouraged

So there are a number of situations that are of concern around the world right now:

– The Afghan and Pakistani Taliban are conspiring to get their hands on Pakistani nuclear weapons.

– The Chinese are still preparing to blockade Taiwan and bring down the global economy.

– The Venezuelans are discussing with the Russians the idea of arming hypersonic missiles with nuke warheads.

– A worst-case scenario nuke attack could wipe out 90% of the U.S. population.

It’s easy to point out that most people are either oblivious to or purposefully ignoring the news. Continue reading “Stay Engaged and Encouraged”

Dissent is Patriotic

Why all the vitriol for any discussion of the hot issues?

1. Abortion
2. Transgender
3. Border Security/Immigration
4. Israeli Self-Defense
5. Election Integrity
6. Vaccinations

Fringe personalities may weigh in. But raising a question cannot be disinformation.

Do the revolutionaries (Jacobins) feel insecure when there is a potential they could be wrong? This type of certitude bears on a religion that cannot be questioned–accompanied by a public flogging and excommunication.

Questioning the censoring Left on any of these is patriotic, not misinformation/disinformation. The country was founded on free thought, not agreement.


Mentioning, linking to, caring about posts that don’t give a crap about others is a useless affair. In the name of sanity, I must exercise my right to disengage.

Local sites like Nextdoor cry out in vain for addressing my concern about regular citizens being mocked and told that their concerns are illegitimate or just unwarranted. The lawlessness is alarming.

On Influencing

Yes, I can see your channel with logo and background. Your great production value. Your giveaways. And your sponsors have an attraction to your audience reach.

But business would as soon sell out for cat videos. Checking Ask the Public and Ubersuggest will show the current searches.

Fickle are the keywords.

Is “each new technological medium, and the professions it spawns…more soulless than the last…no longer ‘reaching for the stars’ but aiming instead for the more lowly consolations of stardom?” While Wired’s concept of soul may emanate from a non-religious spirituality (and desire to be relevant), this has to give one pause. Technology will progress, but what does reaching for the stars mean?

They do have it right on the face of it: stardom does not console the soul’s reaching for relevance. Can’t the wisdom of masses be more than popularity? When does your truth voice have sway? What does mass-produced influencing bring to it?

  1. Concealed competitive hierarchies.
  2. Unreliable, concentrated-at-the-top spoils.
  3. Becoming a vapid mascot for brands.
  4. Failure to demand meaningful contributions to one’s community.
  5. Blurring between personal and professional roles.
  6. Mandated likes, shares, and follows of a life of frenetic people-pleasing and social conformity (Wired).

The author should be commended: people-pleasing and social conformity destroy. So question: what happens when your audience contradicts or exhibits fleeing your channel? What happens when you lose followers?

I do not want to say the obvious.

The time will come where you must say what you believe. Is your moral(ity) spread throughout the network? Have you lost yourself in cheers and accolades? The answers are as old as Augustus raising the thumb.

We understand the pressures, the shrinking of your circle of friends, but your dissolving self asks, what is next?

As I wrote in the poetry of my worst times, the top is here and there is nothing seen.

23 and Me and You and Your Identity

This 23andMe data breach came out last Friday, but I wanted to mention it. It didn’t get the notice it should have because of Saturday’s events. It is certainly odd that Jewish and Chinese individuals were targeted. Why anyone would want this type of data, from a certain ethnic group?

But speculation aside, this is a big deal. The culprits are selling these records.

Nothing new

Was the “occupation” of 1967 the beginning of troubles? There was evil committed against the Jews in 1948 during the war for independence, and decades before and after Israel became a nation. (Add this to hundreds of years of pograms, lynchings, and persecutions.)

The terrorists want no recognition of Israel, no negotiations, no peace.

If the Gazan arabs laid down their weapons there would be peace, if the Israelis laid down their weapons there would be a massacre.

The good Gazan arabs need to stop supporting the evil ones.

Youth Cybercrime and Flash Mob Robberies

Thinking of how script kiddies are using hacking tools–including ransomware–and many of them are kiddies. Every 39 seconds there is a new cyber attack. That’s 2244 daily, 30000 websites globally, and 64% of businesses were hit with at least one type of cyberattack. Youth take part in a significant portion of these attacks.

If we juxtapose this cybercrime with flash mob robberies, we see parental, social, and educational moral inculcation is failing. 2022 statistics show that 43% of high-end businesses have been targeted by organized robberies. Between Fall 2021 and Aug 23 this year, over 170 businesses in LA were hit. Nationwide smash-and-grab robberies rose 26% between 2020 and 2021. And it’s not only high-end stores.

There’s a spiritual vacuity bred in a nihilism where faith could be. Can we draw anything from young people who idolize the rich and famous? There’s a youth identity crisis.

A friend had a party for his daughter where her and her friends’ parents told of their professions. The young ladies gathered ignored the adult professions of flight attendants and business people. They said they wanted to be famous. This is not only the Gen Zers. A neighbor in her 30s said this same thing.

You can’t impart to youth spiritual teachings if they are absorbed in–and subject to–popular culture and its accouterments. They can’t realize their potential either.