Safeguarding Customer Trust and Compliance: Why Organizations Are Embracing Zero Trust

Understandably, companies and organizations are embracing zero trust with the daily business pressures that have evolved over the last few years. The pandemic presented small businesses and organizations with new security considerations: remote workers with access to a much wider range of apps, new ways of working onsite, bring your own devices, cloud-based assets, and new supply chain and vendor processes. Furthermore, you may have added these changes to your network ad hoc. Now, you have an unwieldy patchwork of devices and computers at your business. Continue reading “Safeguarding Customer Trust and Compliance: Why Organizations Are Embracing Zero Trust”

U.S. versus world debt is still a concern

Working on a possible piece on world debt-to-GDP and highest GDP per capita.

The U.S. rates up there at number 12 in the running. We are not in august company, Venezuela and Japan being 1 and 2, respectively. The European countries in this group are Greece, Italy, and Portugal.

The problem comes when the debt is too great to finance. Even if a country can still pay, too much debt can cause a loss of confidence. The warnings about a move to another world reserve currency is something to have some alarm about, but U.S. treasuries are still the most reliable.

Top 12 Countries with the Highest Debt-to-GDP Ratios (%)
Venezuela — 350%
Japan — 266%
Sudan — 259%
Greece — 206%
Lebanon — 172%
Cabo Verde — 157%
Italy — 156%
Libya — 155%
Portugal — 134%
Singapore — 131%
Bahrain — 128%
United States — 128%

Power Summer

I hear a few rumors about an approaching Summer power problem. Can the grid handle it?

I don’t like Gavin Newsom’s electric car action (all electric by 2035). It’s highly irresponsible until we get nuclear (fusion?). There may be rolling blackouts now with the current power grid. Until we get better electricity flow, the Teslas may be grounded in the approaching hot times.

That sort of “virtue executive action” is what is wrong with high ideals that end in letting the next administration own it. The governor won’t be here then.

In his interview with Sean Hannity, Newsom doesn’t want to own the homeless problem, the crime problem, the businesses closing down and fleeing the state. (One doesn’t have to search too far to see these headlines.)

I’m pretty much a Californian (most of my years), but I don’t think being a proud one is that easy anymore.

The Self-important Journalist

On the BBC’s The Press the ruthless editor-in-chief says we write outrageous stories to change things. That is activist journalism and the activist imagines himself important. I think neither left nor right should be activists.

I initially wanted to be a foreign correspondent. The expatriate similarly imagines themselves important as a representative of his supporting community with the responsibility to illuminate his purview for poor ignorant folk.

Worship and Conduct

Prager says God is worshipped through moral conduct. Christians say by belief.
Prager says God brings people to his moral law. Christians say to Christ, who is the Law and the Prophets.
“Those who come to Him must believe He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”

Prager often says this. How does he know when he is approved is what I wanted to ask.

Jobs that ChatGPT cannot replace (yet)

Beyond physical-dependent jobs, ChatGPT/LLMs cannot now replace:

Teachers – in-person or Zoom understandably. While virtual learning by an AI can be impressive, that produced by a human excels IMHO.

Writers and Editors – human writers like a journalist or author can give a human touch and verify facts, i.e. these positions can fact-check where ChatGPT is in error.

Lawyers – though legal information has always been online, a real lawyer cannot currently be replaced.

Social Workers, Therapists and Other Medical professionals – as above, a doctor or nurse needs to see a patient at some point. I have had appointments with a doctor. It usually requires a physical followup and I *want* to see a real person for questions and feedback.

Management professionals – an AI C-suite professional cannot replace a real one yet.

These all come down to the need for a real human that can verify information and attend to a patient, business, or customer in person.

Creepy tech

A few things are converging for me:

1. Social media is creepy.
2. ChatGPT is disturbing.
3. Boston Dynamics robots are uncanny.

With SM we have levels of interaction and of data trust. Filtering for us with giant mind bubbles. (Is filtering worse than fake news?)

ChatGPT is swallowing search now.

BD robots are moving from unsettling to accepted as human.

Like writing on a church wall, signs and symbols of tech are requiring a reckoning. These things are coalescing around Kurzweil’s singularity. Maybe not a correct timeline, but the merging is happening organically and is palpable. Can you feel it?

Ransomware Timeline

Utilities and infrastructure, government agencies, hospitals and healthcare institutions, schools, food production and distribution industries–even ferry service to Martha’s Vineyard, all have been attacked by cybercriminals using ransomware, probably now the most used kind of exploit of network systems.

“Even as we speak there are thousands of attacks on all aspects of the energy sector and the private sector generally…it’s happening all the time,” said Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm to CNN. Continue reading “Ransomware Timeline”

What in the World is a Penetration Test?

A penetration test is an agreed-upon simulated, offensive cybersecurity engagement that tests for vulnerabilities in the target’s systems. The red team is the offensive team and the defenders are the blue team. The organization being tested is looking for weaknesses in their systems.  (Optionally, an organization may set up a purple team to support the engagement.)

In order to do a penetration test you need written permission with specific rules of engagement. You cannot deviate from the plan that is agreed upon. Even scanning the ports of the target system can throw up red flags for the responsible organization and can lead to legal trouble for you if not documented.

Though many red-team/blue-team exercises use in-house teams for both, an outside hacker can actually make some good money doing this. Some hackers make a career out of it. I’ve heard of a contract tester making $50,000 for one engagement; though in-house team members can make $140,000.  There’s even two certifications specifically for penetration testing, the Certified Ethical Hacker and PenTest+ certs.

Halo’s red team/blue team borrows from this concept: Spartan Showdown: Blue Team vs Red Team – YouTube

Defense in Depth

Layering security measures is called Defense in Depth. Though zero trust is the phrase of the day, defense-in-depth can be a complementary approach to security.

Preventive measures can prevent breaches of confidentiality, for example, measures such as file encryption, TLS encryption for websites, or protecting a certificate key.

Detective measures include intrusion detection/prevention systems (IDS/IPS) or other measures that alert you when there is an unauthorized intrusion on the network.

Recovery measures include backups and other measures to maintain resource availability. Whether daily, incremental, or full, you need a backup plan.

Continue reading “Defense in Depth”

Captain Fantastic

What to make of the millennial want of the Winnebago lifestyle.

I see the sprinters here on the island sometimes. They’re parked along Ocean Drive. I will say that there are fewer messes when compared to the fast food wrapper-spewing lowriders. (What a mess.) At my prior employer, one of the young guys brought us outside to look at his tricked-out camper van.

It gives an honorable sense of not wanting to waste and decreasing your footprint. It’s actually kind of admirable, I think.

It’s difficult for me to comment on family matters as I don’t have any children. But I think there are a few things to say. One does not grow up as quickly as with kids. A friend often lectures me on “growing up.” There could be some anger toward him, but maybe he’s right? I do like the single life, but how would I change?

But with all due respect, I am not immature, .

I have thought about doing the Reese Witherspoon thing and hike for life. Sun-bleached mind tan (TM).

Does one need any responsibility without children? Am I serving society well? What is the debt to society?

I know, no man an island. Fine. But when you read of proud parents and proud friends, you do have a certain sadness/defiance.

Year upon year, time after time. What to leave the world other than children. So what if your name ends? Shakespeare’s lineage was gone in a generation. Posterity gets ideas and creativity.

So we of lesser insight should try something different.

What is the CIA Triad?

No, not the Yankee security agency; the CIA Security Triad is a model organizations can use to guide policies for their cyber and information security. CIA stands for Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. It’s also useful during the acquisition of new technology assets and data to guide policymaking.

Confidentiality – Keeping sensitive, confidential, or private information safe from unauthorized access. It’s common to categorize sensitive data by the potential for damage if the data is released or stolen in case of a security breach. The question of who needs what kind of access to the information should be a consideration. Organizations can set access control lists (ACLs), encryption, and permissions for systems, files, and folders.

Integrity – Preventing data from deletion, tampering, or modification by an authorized or unauthorized party. This includes mistaken but authorized changes. Data at rest (stored), in transit, or in use should be protected for consistency, accuracy, and trustworthiness.

Availability – Accessing or refusing access to files, folders, and systems. The information the security measures protect and ensure should be available despite hardware failures, system upgrades, or power outages. The security measures should be consistent and provide ready accessibility by authorized parties.

The difference between tech support and cybersecurity experts lies with CIA. Tech support can help with your availability (connection), but integrity and confidentiality are usually the domains of cyber.

Hacking Paywalls: You Only Thought You Needed To Subscribe

Note: This tutorial is for Chromium browsers, but the developer tools on other browsers are similar. Leave a question if you need help.

Just a brief introduction to this tutorial is needed. Web pages are text files that contain text and HTML. When you go to a website your browser downloads the HTML text file and you now have a copy of the page on your computer. The file also downloads copies of images, videos, and programming that are referenced inside the HTML. Each item on the page is in a box, which may be contained in other boxes and which may have boxes inside it as well. These items are called elements. With the developer tools in each browser you can edit your copy of the page to remove or change elements. If you refresh the page, it will return to the version you downloaded. Continue reading “Hacking Paywalls: You Only Thought You Needed To Subscribe”

Using Publicly-available Information To Learn More About A Target (Passive Footprinting)

Even a novice can research a target using publicly-available information. This is also called passive footprinting and there are numerous tools and commands to find this information: Continue reading “Using Publicly-available Information To Learn More About A Target (Passive Footprinting)”


While SM cannot be the purveyor of truth, the current model is broken (Zuckerberg). Experts determine governance, politics, civic architecture, histories, and science. They have their laurels.

But the pace of change is a bounding lion. Technology may be the easy part; the governance is not. Government can remove barriers to change; it created these booms after all. Innovation is just waiting at the door.

Changing things for the sake of fundamental change, the next wave has not been about who changes. But, these things were decided by experts who are malevolent and belong to darkness. They appear as doves.

We’re here. What should we value? Change has economic and IRL results.

Dear Patience

I was reminded of Siouxie Sioux’s Dear Prudence. But I redirect to patience.

Have patience with vile thought, envy, greed, arrogance–all those negative things afflict us. We cannot help ourselves. We are prisoners of this body, wretches? In all fairness, have patience with us.

The rainwater pours down. Drip by drip, it started. Now a torrent. Have patience. Ourselves to friends to family to our small group to our nation to our world. Send us flowers and rivers. Surrounding and refreshing.